Ever have one of those days when you feel like you’re swimming up the eCommerce stream? Like a part of you just wants to give up on your eCommerce entrepreneur dreams and open an island bar in the Caribbean?
I totally get it. Starting or running an online business can be hard – rewarding, but hard.
Whether you’re an aspiring, sideline or established eCommerce entrepreneur, we’ve all had days when we’ve been scared to start, doubted our ideas or expertise, or felt like our end goal was out of reach. Even the most experienced eCommerce brand founders have found themselves at a crossroads, confused and unsure about where to go next.
However, as any experienced eCommerce entrepreneur will tell you, staying motivated in the face of these day-to-day struggles is vital to ensuring you can build your own eCommerce empire. Like a good cup of coffee on a slow morning, a little bit of motivation can go a long way to kick-start your slump. To bring you back to being present, invested and dedicated to your business.
I have collected some of my favorite bite-sized motivational speeches into one list of top motivational speeches for eCommerce entrepreneurs. Speeches that cover a variety of subjects including business, failure, risk, success and sheer determination in the face of struggles.
So bookmark this post and play these speeches on a Monday morning.
1. Perseverance in the Face of Failure
Where better to start a top list of motivational speeches for eCommerce entrepreneurs than with Asia’s biggest eCommerce mogul, Jack Ma. Jack is the founder of Alibaba and reminds us that rejection is only a stepping stone to success.
2. Rejection Isn’t the End of the Road
There are so many stories out there of business heroes who were rejected, failed or told they weren’t good enough. Stories like JK Rowling’s perseverance despite her first Harry Potter book being rejected 12 times by publishers remind us that endurance despite a fear of failure or rejection can reap big rewards. This one minute video has packed many similar examples into one bite-sized motivational punch.
3. The Secret to Success
With 13,053,792 views, Richard St. John’s popular TED Talk packs a motivational punch. Condensing seven years of research into three minutes of inspiration, he reminds us about the fundamentals of success: including practice and perseverance and doing something for the love of it rather than the money of it.
4. Quitters Never Win
Quitting is not an option. Sure, if you don’t try, you can’t lose. But if you don’t try, you also can’t win. If you are in need of a little tough love today then this video will put a fire under your seat and kick you back into first gear. It reminds us to strive for better than second-best and get back on that horse.
5. Follow Your Gut to Innovation
Struggling to think of your next big product ideas? Then you need a dose of Steven Johnson. Even though this is not technically a motivational speech, this video on “Where Good Ideas Come From” takes you through the journey of an idea and reminds you that thanks to today’s tools and technology, it’s never been easier to innovate.
6. Aim for Greatness
Motivation Grid’s “Be Phenomenal” video will reignite any motivation slowdowns you may find yourself hacking. Featuring motivational speeches from Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Floyd Mayweather, you’ll be reminded of the basics of entrepreneurship: start small and aim big. If you’re waiting for perfection, you will wait forever.
7. Setbacks are Opportunities in Disguise
We all have those days when we need a little reminder to pursue our dreams despite setbacks and this 2005 Stanford commencement address is the perfect nudge. Steve Jobs talks about some of the most pivotal points in his life, highlighting how important it is to see setbacks as opportunities in the pursuit of your dreams.
8. How Badly do You Want it?
“If you do what is easy, life will be hard. But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.” These are just some of Les Brown’s wise words Beats Reloaded highlights in this motivational speech video for entrepreneurs. It reminds us that on those days when we doubt the pursuit of our business dreams, to be hungry and go after what we want with all our strength, faith, confidence and hope.
9. Alright, Alright, Alright
There is almost nothing more motivational than Matthew McConaughey’s voice… besides his University of Houston speech from 2015, that is. This is truly one of my favorite motivational speeches of all time. He outlines his 13 truths of life, reminding that happiness is a journey, not a destination; success should be self-defined rather than compared to others’; life is not easy or fair, and you shouldn’t fall into the entitlement track.
10. There’s No Plan B
One of my favorite motivation heroes is Will Smith. Continuously sharing his wisdom, I often find myself taking in his content with my Monday morning coffee to get me ready for the week. In this interview, he shares his secrets of success, reminding us that success is not easy and if you’re worrying about Plan B, you’re not putting enough effort into Plan A.
11. You Gotta Dream? Protect It.
Another Will Smith inspirational classic comes from one of my favorite movies, The Pursuit of Happyness. It reminds us to stop worrying about what everyone else is telling you to do and to go get what you want. Period.
12. Winning vs. Losing
Facing the biggest business obstacles of your career? It’s time to fight back! When it comes to motivational movie speeches for eCommerce entrepreneurs, Al Pacino’s speech from Any Given Sunday is definitely in the top ten. It reminds us that we can stand in defeat getting the crap beat out of us, or fight our way back into the light.
13. Motivation is Life
An oldy but a goody, Eric Thomas’s “I can, I will, I must” motivational speech is just the pick-me-up you need for those days when you are thinking it’s too hard and you just want to give up. Reminding you to concentrate on the ones you love the most so that instead of being lazy and complacent, you do what you can to make them proud.
Want more from Eric Thomas? Here’s another motivation complication, entitled “How Bad Do You Want It,” that has over 43 million views!
14. The Advantages of Failure
If there is anyone who can teach us about perseverance in the face of failure on the way to success it’s JK Rowling. Rowling’s Harvard commencement speech is inspiring and authentic as she reminds us that there are fringe benefits to failure. She tells us, “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case you fail by default.”
15. Fall Forward
Take risks and fall forward! Another powerful commencement speech comes from Denzel Washington. Titled “Fall Forwards,” this motivational speech will inspire you to keep giving it what you’ve got and remind you that every failed endeavor is just another step closer to reaching your success goals.
16. Believe in Yourself
It doesn’t get more motivational than the infamous Balboa speech. In this speech, entrepreneurs are reminded about the hard work and commitment it takes to reach their business goals. That “the world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows,” and “it ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
17. Stop Making Excuses
Lastly, here’s a video from one of my favorite business influencers, Gary Vaynerchuk. I have followed Gary’s content for years and browse his YouTube channel every time I need a truth bomb and dose of tough love. There is no shortage of motivational speeches and practical, high-value content from this guy, but here is one of my faves.
Important Note: If you have never seen anything of Gary Vee’s, be warned: he doesn’t sugarcoat anything, including his cussing.
For thousands of more business motivation and no-bull business advice, follow his YouTube channel here.
There you have it, my list of top motivational speeches for eCommerce entrepreneurs when you feel like giving up or need that extra kick in the butt. Bookmark this post and enjoy a motivational pick-me-up with your Monday morning coffee.
What are your favorite, most inspiring motivational speeches? Put them in the comments below.
Nicole is a content writer with over sixteen years experience and flair for storytelling. She runs on a healthy dose of caffeine and enthusiasm. When she's not researching the next content trend or creating business content strategies, she's an avid beachgoer, coffee shop junkie and hangs out on LinkedIn.
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