Picture this scenario, you’re strapped for time and man power, and you really really need to get your newest marketing content out. Or this one, you need some quick design work done, but you just don’t want to pay the big bucks for it.
I’d be willing to guess that these kinds of things happen all the time in your business, which is why I am happy to tell you there is a solution – Fiverr, the $5 marketplace for freelance work!
In this post I’ll show you five of the best gigs on Fiverr that can help you grow your business!
(Read to the end, and I’ll show you some of the strangest gigs on Fiverr too!)
What Is This Fiverr Thing?
Fiverr is an online market place where you can find someone to do just about anything for you. There are freelancers available to perform all sorts of tasks from marketing to animation to strange birthday wishes. You name it, you can probably find someone who can do it for you on Fiverr.
The best part, any job, or “gig” as it’s called on the site, only costs $5.
To quote the site itself:
What to Look For in a Fiverr Freelancer
Remember, at the end of the day you’re only paying $5, so you might not get the highest quality work in return. In order to make sure you get the most bang for your buck be sure to check the following things before choosing a freelancer – average rating, written reviews, number of jobs in the queue, and average delivery time.
When entering a gig’s page you can see an overview of the ratings on top (as pictured below), and then can see full written reviews on the bottom of the page.
Only go for a freelancer who has good reviews and meets your needs in terms of timing.
Ok, so now that you know how it works, let’s take a look at some of the cool things you can do for your business…and some of the just ridiculous things that are available too J
1) Great SEO Gigs on Fiverr
Need some help with your SEO? There is no shortage of people that are ready and willing to help you out (for a few dollars)! Here are some of the cool things you can get done with Fiverr:
Need a boost in your blog, or just have a hole in your content calendar? Get original SEO optimized content for your blog. There are countless freelancers on Fiverr who will write up a good, optimized post for your blog. Generally, the posts start at 500 words, and cost an extra $5 per 500 additional words.
Want to know why your site isn’t performing well in search rankings, or just how to improve it? Get an actionable SEO audit of your site that will provide you with a domain analysis, internal site problems report, optimization analysis for your homepage, and more!
Not quite sure what keywords are best for your business yet? Get an in-depth keyword research report for your business! Here’s what one freelancer says they can help you do with their keyword research:
Starting to get excited thinking about the possibilities for growing your business with Fiverr? Stick with me, we’ve still got four more categories of awesomeness to go!
2) Get Your Site Reviewed!
Having conversion problems on your website? It could be because of your site design.
You’ve been looking at your site for years, and chances are your friends and family can see no wrong in your work. So why not get someone else to take a look at it and let you know what they think?
Fiverr has an abundance of people who will take a look at your website and review it for you – is it clear what your product is, can they easily navigate your site, does your color scheme work, etc.
3) Your Brand New Logo Awaits
Are you just getting your business going and are in need of a good logo? Or perhaps your business is up and running, but you just want a new logo? No problem! You can get a logo made for $5.
4) All the Video Gigs you Could Need
Are you looking for something new and exciting to add to your marketing, but don’t really have the time or the money to hire someone to create video content for you?
Get a cool stop motion or white board drawn video to add to your YouTube channel, homepage, or even to just add as an intro to your own video content. Something as simple as a white board drawing of your logo could make your videos that much cooler! (Tell me you don’t love those white board drawing videos).
Get a quick and simple animated explainer of your business. Every business has a story, why not tell it in cute cartoon form for just five bucks?
Last but not least, you can get an awesome voice over for your videos to make your video content even better! Think about the possibilities – any voice, any accent, any language all at your fingertips.
5) Product Modeling Just for You!
Have you ever needed candid (or modeled) shots of people using your products? Well, there are all kinds of people ready to take pictures with your merchandise on Fiverr.
There are some that are more professional (have a photography studio) and some that will simply take a picture of themselves with your product. Either way, this can be handy for your social media posting, website homepage, or product pages.
6) This is Where Things Get Weird (A few extra Fiverr Gigs)
There are all sorts of other things that you can get done on Fiverr – some helpful and some just strange.
1) You can get some really cool placement of your logo for marketing purposes. Why not have your logo written with people (yes the image on the right is written in people taken from a sky view), or just have a cute dog surfing your website?
2) Need something to give your company a little edge? Lucky for you you can get a custom made song, jingle, rap, or beatbox made on Fiverr:
3) Want to have some fun with your co-workers? Hire this guy to do prank calls on anyone in the world.
4) Had a disturbing dream the other night? Worried what kind of consequences it will have on your business? Don’t worry, you can take your pick of interpreters:
5) In dire need of new and innovative product placement? Why not try out something really new and innovative:
Back to the Point!
Anyway…sorry about that tangent, the point is, you can find just about anything that you could possibly need for your business on Fiverr.
Just remember, be careful about who you choose for your gig, and don’t expect the same results that you would get if you paid someone $100 to do the same task!
Keep that in mind, and you can definitely get some good use out of Fiverr when you’re strapped for time or money (or both)!
Have you used Fiverr for your business? We’d love to hear what gig you took advantage of!
Zack is a social media enthusiast who loves all things digital. He is the inbound marketing manager at StoreYa where he spends his days searching for the newest social marketing scoop. If you’d like to chat with him, feel free to connect with him on any social platform.
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Wow, this is great. Thanks for reminding me and showing me new things fiverr is about.
Thanks Michael! Happy to hear it was helpful!