Do you run a small eCommerce store with a specific niche market? Do you have trouble building your email list with qualified leads? – Now for the kicker – do you think that you have trouble building your email list because your business is small or you have a specific niche market?
If you answered yes to this (or even if you answered no really…) then this case study is for you.
We’re going to take a look at an eCommerce store with a specific niche product that, over the course of three months, managed to gain over 30,000 emails for its email marketing list – resulting in a 15% increase in revenue.
How did they do it? The answer — with StoreYa’s Coupon Pop.
Do you want to grow your email list with qualified leads, improve your email marketing, and boost your revenue by gaining returning customers? Read this case study to learn how.
What is the Coupon Pop?
Before we get started, let’s just take a quick look at what the Coupon Pop tool is for those of you who don’t know.
Coupon Pop is an automated sales tool that can help you to grow your social communities as well as your email list, all while boosting your sales.
The way it works is simple – when a user visits your site Coupon Pop will pop up a coupon (of your choosing) to them, which they can redeem in exchange for leaving their email address or joining you on a social network.
Bonus Content: Facebook Ads for eCommerce
Because the offer is relevant to your store, it also means that you will be gaining qualified leads since only someone interested in your products would actually redeem the offer.
Click here to get the Coupon Pop.
And now, what you’ve all been waiting for…the case study.
The Store
The store we will look at today is an eCommerce shop that sells detox tea blends for a sustainable weight loss program. Talk about niche.
The Coupon Pop Campaign
After a mere three months of using the Coupon Pop this store is already seeing some pretty wild results. They have been offering their site visitors 10% off coupons in exchange for joining their mailing list:
There are a number of things that this company really did well which definitely helped contribute to its success.
First of all, it used a very effective coupon technique – urgency. “Flash Sale” has a very in-the-moment connotation. There’s a sale now, but there might not be a sale later, so claim your coupon. By creating a sense of urgency, they probably convinced any number of people who were on the fence about leaving their email address to take action and redeem the coupon.
Second, they bolded the offer. This works to draw attention to what the customer will get in return. This is an excellent approach because it takes the focus off of the email address and puts it onto the 10% discount.
Speaking of their offer, according to a study we conducted analyzing over 10 million Coupon Pop customers, we found that the discount sweet spot is actually 10%. Meaning the offer of 10% is the discount rate that results in the most purchases per impression.
What kind of results did they see from their Coupon Pop? Well…
- Sales: Since beginning to use the Coupon Pop, they managed to increase their sales revenue by 15%. (You can track sales gained from the Coupon Pop in your Coupon Pop dashboard).
- Community: In just three months they gathered an insane 30,000 targeted emails to add to their email list. This growth in their email list has contributed tremendously to their growth in sales as well.
If you want these kinds of results for your business then you should definitely download the Coupon Pop today. Also, be sure to check out our other eCommerce case studies, including:
- How Beginning Boutique Made $40K in 10 Days [Case Study]
- How WaterCheck.Biz Boosted Sales by $15,000
- How Tiger Mist Increased Thier Email List by 40%
Zack is a social media enthusiast who loves all things digital. He is the inbound marketing manager at StoreYa where he spends his days searching for the newest social marketing scoop. If you’d like to chat with him, feel free to connect with him on any social platform.
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